Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure
Beginner level
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Official Google Content
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Hands-on labs
Real world practical experience
This course uses lectures and labs to give you an overview of Google Cloud products and services. You learn the value of Google Cloud and how to incorporate cloud-based solutions into your business strategies.
Identify the purpose and value of Google Cloud products and services.
Define how infrastructure is organized and controlled in Google Cloud.
Explain how to create basic infrastructure in Google Cloud.
Select and use Google Cloud storage options.
Describe the purpose and value of Google Kubernetes Engine.
Identify the use cases for serverless Google Cloud services.
Explore Google Clouds Generative AI tools and best practices.
🔸Cloud computing overview
🔸IaaS and PaaS
🔸The Google Cloud network
🔸Environmental impact
🔸Open-source ecosystems
🔸Pricing and billing
🔸Identify the benefits of Google Cloud.
🔸Define the components of the Google network infrastructure, including points of presence, data centers, regions, and zones.
🔸Identify the difference between infrastructure as a service (IaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS).
🔸Module quiz
🔸Google Cloud resource hierarchy
🔸IAM roles
🔸Service accounts
🔸Cloud Identity
🔸Interacting with Google Cloud
🔸Identify the purpose of projects on Google Cloud.
🔸Define the purpose of and use cases for IAM.
🔸List interaction methods with Google Cloud.
🔸Use Cloud Marketplace to interact with Google Cloud.
🔸Lab: Getting Started with Cloud Marketplace
🔸Quiz: Module quiz
🔸Virtual Private Cloud networking
🔸Compute Engine
🔸Scaling virtual machines
🔸Important VPC compatibilities
🔸Cloud Load Balancing
🔸Cloud DNS and Cloud CDN
🔸Connecting networks to Google VPC
🔸Explore the basics of networking in Google Cloud.
🔸Identify the purpose of and use cases for Google Compute Engine.
🔸Outline how Compute Engine can scale
🔸Detail important VPC compatibilities including routing tables, firewalls, and VPC peering.
🔸Explore how Cloud Load Balancing functions in Google Cloud.
🔸Deploy a basic infrastructure to Google Cloud
🔸Lab: Getting Started with VPC Networking and Google Compute Engine
🔸Quiz: Module quiz
🔸Cloud Storage
🔸Cloud SQL
🔸Cloud Spanner
🔸Cloud Bigtable
🔸Comparing storage options
🔸Identify the purpose of and use cases for Cloud Storage.
🔸Distinguish between Cloud Storage classes.
🔸Distinguish between Google Cloud's database storage options.
🔸Deploy an application that uses Cloud SQL and Cloud Storage.
🔸Lab: Getting Started with Cloud Storage and Cloud SQL
🔸Quiz: Module quiz
🔸Introduction to containers
🔸Google Kubernetes Engine
🔸Define the concept of a container and identify uses for containers.
🔸Identify the purpose of and use cases for Kubernetes and Google Kubernetes Engine.
🔸Quiz: Module quiz
🔸Cloud Run
🔸Cloud Functions
🔸Identify the purpose and use cases for Cloud Run
🔸Describe how Cloud Functions can support application development on Google Cloud.
🔸Deploy a containerized application on Cloud Run
🔸Lab: Hello Cloud Run
🔸Quiz: Module quiz
Google Cloud Fundamentals: Core Infrastructure - schedule
March 26, 2025
June 25 2025
September 17, 2025
December 17, 2025
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